Christina Spinazola ® Live in-person retreat coming fall of 2024!

Only the bold take

the pathless path

and create their own way

I partner with strong leaders (who are excited by challenges) to find their next growth edge

I get all lit up when I find the next level of growth available to me. I admit it… I’m addicted to new personal insight and I’m refusing treatment. Because when I identify that next growth edge…first it excites me, then it terrifies me. Or maybe it terrifies me firstand then it excites me? Honestly,  it all runs together in an intricate dance of big feelings.

Most of  the world sees  external challenges and they bristle. They resist it. They don’t want any part of it. They back down and politely decline the invitation into something bigger. They’re uninterested or unwilling to take challenge head-on.  While there’s nothing “wrong” with that, I do believe that people who willingly accept, and even seek out the next challenge,  experience more growth and accomplishment, and have a whole lot more fun. 

Me and my clients? We’ve learned that every time we choose to move directly towards the challenge, we transform in ways beyond our current imagination. We sharpen our internal toolour mind in order to combat the external challenge. Because it’s not the “challenge” that we ever have to deal with…but our perception of that challenge. When you change the way you think, you choose to create a new way of being in the world and everything around you changes as a result. I watch clients transform before my eyes every week because they also choose the “WTF” move…Walking Towards Fear. Interested in learning more? Check out the Walking Towards Fear podcast linked in the footer.

Who is this Certified Professional Risk-taker?...I mean coach...

Christina has three main values: connection, growth, and adventure. These values are guide posts in her decision-making process, helping make choices that are aligned with each. She is also an ICF Certified Professional Coach and is an avid explorer.

She spent five months of 2022 hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, more than 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada, with nothing more than a backpack and intense commitment to the journey.

Client Testimonials

Some love from past clients...