Christina Spinazola ® Live in-person retreat coming fall of 2024!

Christina Spinazola


Hi, I'm Christina

and here's my story…

In case you're more of a TLDR type reader...

2017 – I got my first taste of true adventure and freedom. I backpacked 300 miles across the state of Vermont and realized I’m a bit “crazy” to love living in the dirt as much as I do.

2018 – I won a scholarship to get my SCUBA license. This was great until I herniated my L4-L5 disc, which created a severe case of spinal stenosis and extreme physical limitation.

2019 – My year of tears ending in spine surgery. My athlete identity was stripped away from me. I was in intense pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I invested in my first coach to support my own journey. 

2020 – Between drinking hand sanitizer and cloroxing cereal boxes, I became a Certified Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. 

2021 – I walked away from everything I knew. A relationship of 7.5 years. My world (and future) as I knew it changed in an instant.

2022 – I left my corporate sales job working for a multi-billion dollar biotech company behind and walked towards fear, hiking 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. 

2023 – I re-created the relationship with my mom, nourished a love you can only dream of, and committed to partnering with as many leaders as possible to transform their minds and their hearts. This transformation re-opened my heart to love, allowing Kris (incredible guy pictured below) into my life. We have created a relationship in the 1% of relationships in the world. 

2024 –  An entire year I’m committed to focusing on more deeply loving myself as a means to have miracles show up in my world and the worlds of my clients.

Let’s get to know one another…

I’m a big believer that we each have a powerful story to tell.  Everyone has their own unique journey worth sharing. On this page, you get to learn a bit about my story. And I hope that at some point, I can learn a bit about yours too!

Here's the thing...I'd actually encourage you to read my story about YOU. Find ways that you can see your own journey reflected in my words. I'm inviting you to do this so that you can see and experience the power of learning through other people.

My name is Christina Spinazola, and I am love assembled into magic. I also became a coach by accident. Literally. But more on that in a minute. As an ICF Certified Professional Coach, I partner with leaders and risk-takers who are excited by challenges instead of put-off by them.

So how’d I get here? Well I’ve always been a little different and I’ve always had big feelings. The kind that confuse you. Where you can be On a rainy day when I was 3 years old, I collected a bucket of worms and then spent the rest of the night crying because I realized I had taken them away from their families. Being sensitive has always been in my being. I used to think it was a curse. My sensitivity scared me because I didn’t know how to use it or control it. Now it’s the superpower in my coaching practice. So how’d I become a coach? By accident. Let me explain.

After playing volleyball for a decade and being a collegiate athlete for 4 years, you could say my identity was pretty wrapped up with what I DID. When  backpacked 273 miles across the state of Vermont for “fun”. I was an athlete. I hiked, biked, ran, swam, climbed, balanced, and explored anywhere I could.

In 2018, my world got rocked when I herniated my L4-L5 disc, creating a severe case of spinal stenosis…and an even worse case of physical and emotional suffering. After a year of trying every conservative treatment in the book, I ended up on the operating table in November of 2019. Spinal surgery wasn’t in any of “my” ideal plans. Nor was the catheter I had for two weeks following that surgery.

Those two years were the hardest physically and mentally I have ever experienced. So what did I do? I embarked on a different type of adventure; I adventured into my own mind. For the first time in my life, I sought out support – I started working with a therapist and a coach. Reading was the only hobby I could still access…so I devoured personal development books.

I learned quickly that my life up until this point had been about what I was DOing, and I learned the hard way that could be taken away from me.  I started to value who I was BEing instead.

Who I am is everything. It still is, and always will be. Because THAT can never be taken away from me. THAT is where all of our personal power lies.

My accident led me to search for something I didn’t know I needed—coaching—and the rest is history.

✔️Coaching supported me in finding my smile again after my injury.

✔️Coaching allowed me to excel in a sales role for a multi-billion-dollar biotechnology company.

✔️Coaching helped me to choose myself and leave a relationship after more than 7 years. 

Coaching gave me the courage to walk away from that career and do something crazy – hike from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail.

✔️Coaching allowed me to choose diving into entrepreneurship full-time.

✔️Coaching enabled me to learn the power of powerful coaching.

✔️Coaching helped me have the courage to walk away from making sense to anybody else.

✔️Coaching has helped me create myself to be a bold risk-taker, something that past versions of me would NEVER have believed. And it can help you too.

As a coach, I work with people and leaders who have always felt different. That somehow, they don’t quite “fit in” with the crowd. The fact they’ve been ignoring…? Their personal wisdom is whispering that they don’t even want to fit in. They want to stand out. Because they know their own brilliance, they’ve just been afraid to claim it. Now is your time.

The sooner you see your own magic, the sooner you see the magic in others.

I know that I’m magic, which is why I’m so good at seeing the magic in YOU. 

Should we work together?

Join the ART LAB

Adventurous Risk Takers – Life and Business

Life is both an art and a science. Come connect, have fun, go on adventures, be creative, take risks, and evaluate the data.

I couldn’t find a space where people were interested in being adventurous, taking risks, exploring their own mind, pushing their own limits, learning new things and expanding their horizons. So I created it instead. Life has no rules, so let’s all make an ART LAB together.