Christina Spinazola ® Live in-person retreat coming fall of 2024!

Christina Spinazola


Choose your own adventure..

Love, life, and leadership❤️


Personal coaching takes place in one of three ways: phone calls, zoom calls, or if you’re local…in-person meetings. We work together to support your journey in a way that gets you out of your “comfort zone”, into the “growth zone”, and stays away from the dreaded “panic zone”. Finding your unique growth edges is what its all about. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Additional questions? Ask away!

If you ask me, coaching is MAGIC.

It’s a co-created and collaborative process that opens up new insights and understanding. It allows us to see something new, reveals blind spots, and allows us to make stronger progress towards the goals we have while better understanding ourselves in the process.  

Anybody can partner with a coach.  I find that people who are really up to something in the world seek out powerful partners to help them create what they want, instead of just talking about it. 

If you’re looking for the magical 10-step process or worksheet that will tell you what to do… …you’re in the wrong place. I work with everyone in a unique and individualized way in order to best serve the person in front of me.  I don’t have the answers to your life, and anybody who tries to tell you that they do is lying to you.  This work really is about carving your own path and having someone walk beside you while you do it. 

I define a “leader” as anyone who takes full responsibility, accountability and ownership of creating their own life experience. 

Check out this blog to better understand self-leadership. 

Coaching is about finding your personal growth edge.  So “risk” looks different to everybody and there is no “one-size-fits-all”. approach. Helping you find ways to challenge your current perspective and take steps that lead to your growth is the goal. 

This is speaking in generalities, so please bare with me. But therapy is focused on the past whereas coaching is focused on the future. Exceptional coaches and exceptional therapists have an overlap where both do deep healing work that also helps moves us forward in our lives. 

You don’t. Nobody “needs” a coach. AND at the same time, coaching is a powerful tool for you to gain new insight into yourself and your life, which ultimately supports you in accomplishing your goals and desires.


                                                     LOVE                                                                                                             LIFE                                                                                                        LEADERSHIP

“Happiness is the only thing that doubles when shared”

Relationships are the keystone to the human experience. We all crave them. We want to feel loved, seen, understood, respected, appreciated, cared for, valued and heard. Diving into our own patterns and better understanding why our relationships are (or are NOT) working can be the most confronting and worthwhile work we do together. I know first hand that putting in the effort produces incredible results.  

What do you want” might be the hardest question that I ask clients. As people, we all know that what we want changes. I recently heard someone say we should think about happpiness like we think about hunger.  You would never try to eat enough in one meal so that you’re never hungry again…so why do we believe that if we finally get THAT thing, we’ll never have to worry about happiness again?  Getting clear on your current goals and giving yourself permission to go for it is a beautiful journey. One that will change as you change. 

There’s nothing more impactful than great leadership.  I’ve been fortunate to work under leaders who saw more in more than I saw in myself. Powerful leaders help other people step into the best versions of themselves, creating a ripple effect wherever they go. 

The more powerfully you can lead yourself, the better equipped you are  to lead others. It all starts as an inside job. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Additional questions? Ask away!

Yes – I am a stand that there is no relationship past repairing if you WANT to repair it.

Yes – there are certain ways of being that create more successful relationships. Being willing to try something new and letting go of what isn’t working is half the battle. This is available to everybody.

Guess you’re shit outa luck🤷🏼‍♀️

Kidding. We’ve all been there. When we aren’t sure, we’re in limbo. Nobody tends to “enjoy” this space. Working with a coach can help you see why you might be secretly want to stay where you are. Exploring fears and uncertainties is a large part of coaching,

You can worry about that, sure. Or you can get out there and go for it. 

You can never control the outcome, just the process…might as well be taking action!

To be coachable you need to be open to new perspective. If you are attached to your story of why it won’t work for you, you won’t see any results. 

Coachability is also your willingness to take action. I can promise you that the clients who transform the most are willing to take the most action. 

I run a yearly group program that culminates in a wilderness backpacking retreat. Reach out for more information.

Don’t worry about the “how”. You just have to believe it’s possible and accessible for you. Partnering together in a coaching container will reveal the steps for you to be taking.

I work with both – please reach out and we can have a conversation to see what might be the best for you and your organization.